Fountain doll Photo: the Fountain of puppets

One of the attractions for tourists of all ages monuments nestled in the heart of Aachen. It is not so many years in the city he appeared only in 1975, but still, the image of a "puppet" of the fountain can be found on postcards, representing the city.

Fountain of dolls was created by one of the famous sculptors of Germany – by Bonifatius Steenbergen. His imagination, which is enshrined not only in the General idea, but the execution of each of the elements of the fountain, we can now say that the fountain is loved not only by tourists but also by the inhabitants of Aachen.

In fact, among the sculptures of the fountain you will notice everything that is somehow connected with the history of the city. For example, the figure of the horse with a knight – it's a subtle hint held in Aachen tournaments, but the doll is evidence that the city has always been well developed textile industry. Interesting figures of harlequin and Professors identified with education and cultural achievements of the city, and the masks here and there – with the carnival, which is traditionally held in Aachen. Not to mention the significant figure of a rooster, which is crowned by the fountain. It is considered a symbol of the fact that the city was under the rule of the French.

Fountain feature dolls can be considered the fact that each person can touch the shapes, change the position of the hands or feet, spinning them around its axis. Each figure of the fountain is made with articulated joints. The fountain is especially popular in the warmer months, it is a pleasure to go both children and adults.

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