The Constantine-Helena Church Photo: Constantine-Helena Church

The Constantine-Helena Church is one of the most beautiful iconic landmarks across the Abakan. The Church was founded in 1988 and its construction lasted nine years. The Church was built with funds donated by ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs, representatives of various businesses and organizations.

For visitors to the Church of the Holy equal of the apostles Helena and Constantine opened on the eve of the new 2008 year. Dome crosses under construction on the Church was consecrated in August 2005 To August 2006 in the courtyard of the temple rededication of nine bells, made at the foundry in Voronezh. The largest bell has a weight of 1,200 kg, and the smallest is 7 kg. Under the Foundation of the altar part of the Church laid the relics of saints Andronicus, Probus, and Tarah.

The Constantine-Helena temple unique. Because of its architectural features, many operations were carried out manually. This brick Church with the decor, combining elements of the eras of pre-Petrine architecture. Over the Western porch and side porches to see a great three-apse domed rectangular with a hipped bell tower.

The entire five-tier iconostasis of the Church is decorated with a salary of gold foil, which was made in April 2010 at the Volgodonsk plant. In the decoration of the mosaic floor of the wizard used a two-headed Byzantine eagle. Illuminate the temple graceful three-tier and five-tier chandeliers.

Mosaic icons of Constantine and Helen tower of the Church are the first and only mosaic icons in the Abakan-Kyzyl diocese. Eight icons, which height is about 4 m, are placed under the dome of the Church. It's the faces of saints Helen and Constantine, Mother of God, Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas, St. George, St. Catherine, St. Euphrosyne and St. Innocent Of Moscow. Mosaic icons, made of Krasnoyarsk specialists have over each entrance to the Church.

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