Civitanova Marche Photo: Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche seaside resort on the Adriatic coast in the Marche region, 40 km to the Southeast of Ancona and about 25 km from Macerata.

The city was founded at the mouth of the river Chienti around the 8th century BC.e. people Piceno, and bore the name of Kluane. The Romans captured it in 268th BC.e.and in the 50th year n.e. laid in its place a new settlement – Clientes wikus. Old Cluana was finally destroyed by the Visigoths, and its inhabitants found refuge in the Vikusja. In the Middle ages, the town passed from hand to hand – it ruled Albonesi, da Varano, Malatesta, Sforza and Visconti. In 1440, the year by order of Francesco Sforza built a new line of defensive walls, and in the port area, they built a fortress. In the 16th century as a result of the raids of Turkish pirates and the outbreak of the plague Civitanova began to decline. But in 1551, the year Pope Julius III gave the city Cesarini family, which has expanded its territory, built a new defensive wall, built roads and palaces. In 1938, the year Porto Civitanova and Civitanova Alta merged into one municipality. Today it is a recognized seaside resort.

In the old part of the city of Civitanova Alta hill – preserved walls of the medieval castle and four ancient gates. There you can see the Palazzo della Delegazione, built in 1867 year, the Church of San Paolo 17th century, Sant Agostino 13th-century building with luxurious moldings and San Francesco 14th-century Gothic portal. On the Central square Piazza della libertà is the Palazzo Ducale, built for Cesarini Sforza in the 16th century. Inside are preserved frescoes by Pellegrino Tibaldi. Noteworthy and local museums – the Museum of folk art, the Museum of equestrian uniforms and Gallery of modern art Moretti. In the Northern part of Civitanova stretches a beautiful alley of Vittorio Veneto.

The port area of Porto Civitanova is a center of business activity and a kind of resort town, where are located the main city beaches.

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