Gorizia Photo: Gorizia

Gorizia – cozy picturesque town situated 70 km from the resort of Lignano on the Adriatic coast of Italy. According to the latest census, there are about 36 thousand people.

To Gorizia come to enjoy the unique atmosphere of a border town: the Piazza Transalpina, until 2004-the year divided by the wall, you can literally have one foot to stand in Italy and the other in Slovenia. This city is the meeting place of two worlds – the Latin and Slavic – with their different cultures and traditions, but are United by one earth. In addition Gorizia is part Collina is one of the best wine regions of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

The first traces of settlements on the territory of modern Gorizia date back to the 1st century BC, but the city's name was first mentioned only in the 1001-th year. Between the 13th and 14th centuries, the city reached its Zenith, when there existed the County of Padua and Treviso. However, in the first half of the 15th century Gorizia is part of the Venetian Republic, and some time later into the possession of Maximilian I of Habsburg. From then until 1918, the town remained the property of the Habsburg dynasty.

During the First World war Gorizia was captured by Italian troops, and during the Nazi regime, the city was rebuilt and equipped with new roads and industrial areas. And then, in the mid-1920s, began a policy of denationalization of the Slavic minorities Gorizia.

During the Second World war, once in 1943, the year Italy surrendered, the territory of Gorizia became an arena of resistance to the Nazis. At the end of the military conflict on the peace Treaty, the municipality was obliged to give three-fifths of its territory, which had 15% of the population of Yugoslavia. However, the old part of town and most of the residential areas remained part of Italy.

Later Gorizia often been compared to Berlin – it is the same as the German capital, was divided by a wall with guard towers and machine guns. Today on the Piazza Transalpina on the wall you can see a mosaic and a commemorative plaque. With the accession of Slovenia to the Schengen agreement in 2001, the year of Gorizia and Nova Gorizia (Slovenian part of the city) no longer have borders.

Of course, the history of the city attracts thousands of tourists. Here they can explore many attractions such as the castle, which stands on a hill. From the castle you can go down to the Palazzo the Venetian and the Palazzo della Provincia. Under the covered gallery that connects these two buildings, visible part of the military garrison of the Middle ages – a kitchen with tables, cupboards, Cutlery, chairs, etc. Near there is the Cathedral of Sant'ilario di Aquileia and San Tiziano. Also in Gorizia worth a visit the Church of Sant Ignazio, the synagogue from the 18th century and the Church of San Rocco the end of the 15th century.

Numerous parks give residents and visitors opportunities for recreation and unity with nature. The most popular are the Park of the castle and the Park of Valle di Corno, lying along the river Corno.

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