Michael-Athon Kuban deserts Photo: Michael-Athon Kuban deserts

Orthodox cenobitic monastery of St. Michael of Athos Kuban deserts located in a picturesque corner of the North Caucasus, near the capital of the Republic of Adygea Maikop, on the outskirts of the village of Victory. At the end of XIX century it was the largest monastery in the country. It was founded by immigrants from the Holy mount Athos and today it is the most mountainous country abode.

The history of the monastery began in 1877 It was then on the hillside of Fishable for the construction of the Orthodox monastery was allotted 350 acres of land. Supervised the construction of the monk Martyrii. Deserts were erected by voluntary donations.

In 1883, the monastery received from the Holy Synod blessing for independent existence. And its Builder - the monk Martyrii - erected in a dignity of Archimandrite. Gradually the monastery was built five temples: in the name of St. Alexander, in the name of Archangel Michael, Transfiguration, assumption and Trinity. The most magnificent of these was the Church of the Dormition. Also in the monastery opened a hospice and a parochial school. To 1917 the monastery for the year was visited by 150 thousand pilgrims, and in the days of Lent here converged to 5 thousand people.

In 1920 the monastery land was confiscated. In 1926 it was converted into a rest house of the GPU. Two years later the monastery was completely closed. In 1944 the monastery was built a nursery colony. In 1946-1947 all the monastery churches were destroyed. In 1972, local authorities took over the remains of buildings of the Krasnodar regional Council responsible for tourism and excursions for the establishment of a camp Romance. In April 2001, part of the monastery buildings was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, after which he was restored Trinity Church.

In the Michael-Athon Kuban desert are preserved the relics of the founder of the monastery - Archimandrite Martyrii. Also, Mikhailovskaya a desert compound in the village of Hamaski, where a temple was erected in the name of Saints Samon, Guriy and Aviva.

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