Kutuzov fountain Photo: Kutuzovsky fountain

Kutuzov fountain is one of the most famous memorials of the Crimea. It was built in the early nineteenth century. The fountain is at the foot of the mountain Demerdzhi in place the flow of a mountain stream called the Sung-su. It is known that this stream is a healing source.

The first information received about the fountain-monument date from 1804. At that time it was named in honor of the stream Sung-soo. The monument was built in the Oriental style. Funds for its construction were provided by the Turkish officer Ismail-Agha, who was killed in battle with Russian troops. By 1830 fountain is gaining much popularity as Kutuzov. According to the legend, M. I. Kutuzov, which at the time of the legendary field Marshal owe my life to a water source, where was built the memorial.

Led by a battalion of grenadiers, M. I. Kutuzov, at that time Lieutenant-Colonel, July 23, 1774, showed great bravery in the battle with the Turkish army. The battle took place near the village of Noises, which currently has another name – Top Kutuzovka. This battle became a legend, as soldiers in the Russian army was 10 times less than on the Turkish side. The legend says that Kutuzov battalion, including Lieutenant-Colonel, fought so bravely that they were terrified by serasker Haji Ali Bay. Serasker was afraid that his army may die and decided to stop Kutuzov. Carefully taking aim, he fired in a famous military commander and hit his left temple. After receiving a terrible wound, fearless warlord fell to the ground. Bullet seraskier came from right eye.

Kutuzov was moved grenadiers to the nearby source of the Sung-su, where he began to clean the wound. They were witnesses of the miracle that happened then. The blood stopped in front of them, and the wound is completely closed. When he came to Kutuzov stood on his feet. As a result the Russian army routed the 25 thousand Turkish army. Kutuzov, who lost in the battle of the right eye, received his heroism the order of St. George. By the time he was 29 years old.

Kutuzov's head for a miraculous healing was planted poplar in the place where he washed the wound. Later it established the memorial, called Kutuzov. After hearing the story about the miraculous healing of Kutuzov, many people on arrival in the Crimea tried to drink water from this unique medicinal properties of the source, near which the famous field Marshal tree was planted. The memorial was renovated in 1832. By 1956, according to the architectural design A. Babitsky, the monument was rebuilt the sculptor L. Smerchansky, and gave it its current appearance.

This is a very unusual monument, having the form of a wall, propping up a mountain. On the wall there is a carved inscription which tells of the events that took place in 1774. It also has ornamental portrait of the legendary commander, under which a small fountain. Directly in front of the monument installed the kernel related to the time of the Crimean war.

Kutuzov fountain is located in a beautiful area near the slopes of mount Demerdzhi in the South from Angarsk pass. If you find yourself in the Crimea, be sure to take the time to visit the sights of Alushta and look at the beautiful memorial that was created in honor of a legendary person.

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