Literary-memorial Museum of S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky Photo: the Literary-memorial Museum of S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky

Literary-memorial Museum of masters of the Russian Soviet prose and academician S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky was opened in Alushta in may 1962 in the house where he lived from 1906 to 1941 and from 1946 to 1958, Arriving in 1905 in Alushta, the writer bought a plot of land on the slope of the Eagle mountains near the city. S. N. Sergeyev-Tsensky developed its draft, which was built in 1906, the house, which consisted of a veranda and three rooms, and were later planted cypress alleys and fruit trees.

During the great Patriotic war the entire archive and most of the library writer has exported to Germany, the house was destroyed, and the garden is almost completely knocked out. Deciding again to settle in Alushta, S. N. Sergeyev-Tsensky in 1944, began the restoration of his house, having attached to it two verandas and two rooms. He also planted a new garden and three beautiful cypress lane, hitherto preserved.

In this house were created by writer most famous works, which went into the Treasury of Soviet literature, including the epic "Sevastopol Strada" and "Transformation of Russia" and many other works. Having lived in Alushta almost half a century, S. N. Sergeyev-Tsensky after death was buried in a Park near the house.

In the collections of the literary-memorial Museum, there are about 20 thousand Museum exhibits: manuscripts, documents, books, journals, archival materials, personal belongings of the writer. The Museum exposition is presented in two sections: literary and memorial. Literary exposition, located on the East and West porches, introduces the life and works of Russian writer, tells about his friends, the disciples, and the meetings took place in this house. In the rooms of the house (office, library, room wife X. Sergeeva-Tsensky, living room, dining room, South facing veranda, fully preserved atmosphere that is created during the life of the writer of this memorial section of the Museum.

Alushta literary-memorial Museum of S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky is the only one in our country the Museum, which contains almost everything connected with the life and work of an outstanding writer.

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