The Lake Gölbaşı Photo: Lake Gölbaşı

If you go on Konya highway from Ankara to the South, almost immediately after crossing the ring road on the right you can see a large mirror of water surrounded by reeds is the lake gölbaşı.

Sailing on the ancient Seljuk bridge over the kızılırmak river, travelers are from that lake, whose name means "the lake", located near the cave. Here on the beach you can relax in front of the entrance to Ankara. It is considered as the largest water body in this region of Turkey.

Here You will see a shaded Park, two mosques and two ponds with a fat carp. According to local legend, coming out of his cave, Abraham became an implacable criticism of the king Nemrut and tried to smash the idols in the local Church. Tirana did not like it, and he commanded reset of Abraham with the walls of the fortress laid out in the bottom of the fire. Abraham was saved when the word of God, the fire turned into water, and firewood in carp. Since then carp here is sacred and it is believed that whoever eats of him will go blind.

Next to the first pond is aïn-and-Zeliha (Ayn-i Zeliha), named after the daughter of Nemrut restaurant and tea room where you can sit in the shade and feed the carp feed, which they sell by the water hawkers. On its shores are always a lot of pilgrims.

This lake is not very deep. The maximum depth here reaches four meters, the bottom is flat, muddy, no depressions. There can be found a variety of cancers, which indicates the purity of the water in the dirty cancers do not live. So catch them here and the tourists and the locals. However, this is not the most attracts fishermen from all over the world. The lake gölbaşı is literally filled with fish. In it mainly inhabits pike, carp and tench, so spinning you need.

The fish in the lake started, according to local residents, the Americans in the 50-ies of the last century. They cooperated in the military sphere with the Turkish government. The Turks from that time began to support the lake is the presence of the fish and prevent its disappearance. The staple food for pike is a silverfish, and since nobody eats except pike, this fish species has bred here in large numbers.

The lake gölbaşı long been recognized as the best fishing lakes in Turkey. In such abundance of fish is not the last role was played by the fact that on this lake until recently there were mass fishing, and fishing was engaged in, mostly local fishermen and a small portion of visitors lovers of fishing.

Only recently, sport fishing has got such development. This was due to the fact that most of the locals began to go to work in Europe and there already acquainted with the sport and learned artificial lure fishing. Despite this and now often found in the southern part of the lake, mounted on a pike network or recolonize.

On this lake there is one drawback: there are few places to fish from the shore on one side by a Bank of built-up houses and overgrown with reeds. The best fishing can only be fishing from a boat, but you need somewhere to take. You can negotiate with the locals or bring an inflatable boat, and it is possible here to take her rent wooden. Gear it is advisable to bring also with you, because there is no specialized stores where you can buy them.

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