The Mosque Aslanhane Photo: The Mosque Aslanhane

The mosque Aslanhane in Ankara is an ancient mosque, which its extraordinary architecture and strength of the structure. The mosque has many names in the people, but most often it is called the Lion house, as on a wall that is adjacent to the mosque and refers to the burial complex, there are statues of lions. It is situated not far from the fortress of Hissar. It had been built by the Seljuks in the 18th century on the territory of the former Roman Cathedral.

All the buildings of the Seljuk interest to modern historians and scientists, as they are distinguished not only visual beauty and harmony of the architecture, but also the extraordinary strength that helps to withstand time. The main Builder of the mosque has become the Ahi Sherefeddin, the head of a religious brotherhood Ahi. The mosque is often called by his name, and in front of the temple is his mausoleum. Used in the construction of architectural details, especially in the design of the supporting structure, which are characteristic of the Roman and Byzantine eras, as well as have been used building materials from the ruins of former temples, for example, white marble in the decoration of the gate. Seljuk origin of the mosque is confirmed by the presence of classic mihrab with thin enamel wall decor. Also inside is the Minbar decorated with carving walnut wood.

The mosque has a distinctive arch, resting securely on twenty-four columns, decorated with carving, which creates an extraordinary impression. The mosque has a large number of different niches, decorated with carvings. Thanks to a generous wooden decoration of the mosque is also called the Forest. The temple is notable for the fact that retained the old monastery of dervishes, called Tekke. Previously, the minarets of the mosque were decorated with blue tiles, evidenced by preserved wall fragments. Thanks to this element of decor you can imagine how grandiose spectacle was a mosque in the old days.

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