The remains of the Mycenaean Acropolis of Midea Photo: the Remains of the Mycenaean Acropolis of Midea

12 km from Argos is the village of Midea, above which rises a hill with the ruins of the once magnificent Mycenaean Acropolis. Researchers believe it the third most important and well-fortified Acropolis of Argolis after Mycenae and Tiryns, as well as significant administrative and economic center. The citadel, built on a hilltop, at an altitude of 270 m above sea level and is located between the Mycenae and Tiryns, was considered strategically important facility. Panoramic view from the top of the hill was secured control of the whole valley and the Bay.

In the construction of the Acropolis, as at Mycenae and Tiryns, used the so-called cyclopean masonry, representing the construction of the huge boulders. Interestingly, in similar structures not used a binder solution. The ancient Greeks attributed structures with masonry the Cyclops, whence probably came the name "cyclopean".

The first significant excavations were carried out in 1939 by the Swedish archaeologist Axel Persson. Circular cyclopean wall covers an area of 24000 sq.m. and protects the top of the Acropolis and lower terraces of the North-Western and North-Eastern slopes. On the South side of the Acropolis protects steep rock, so additional reinforcement was not needed here. The Acropolis has two gates opposite each other in the Western and Eastern part of strengthening. The East gate was the main entrance and led to the Upper Acropolis, located on a rocky platform. Today, the Eastern gate cleared of debris and is brought before us in the form of wide gaps in the wall. The Western gate led to the Lower Acropolis with its terraces. At the entrance was a room, probably used as a place to protect and store. Also on the Bottom of the Acropolis revealed a large rectangular building (Megaron). The Acropolis was equipped with a drainage system with built-in piping and underground tanks.

In the late 13th century BC in the earthquake wall and all the buildings of the Acropolis were very badly damaged. During excavations in different parts of the Acropolis were found the remains of skeletons (earthquake victims), crushed by a giant stone. The citadel was rebuilt after the devastation and was used in the 12th century BC

During the excavations of the Acropolis of Midea were found many valuable and interesting artifacts: ceramics, bronzes, fragments of frescoes, seals, weapons, ornaments, a variety of stone and metal products, utensils, etc.

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