National Park Photo: national Park "Pirin"

National Park "Pirin" is located on a large area of the Pirin mountains in southwestern Bulgaria. This Park includes over seven settlements, which are subordinated to the regional center Blagoevgrad, such as Bansko, o Sandanski, Gotse Delchev, Strumyani, Kresna, Razlog and Simitli.

This national Park was established in 1962 and initially was called the people's Park "Vihren" (in honor of the highest peaks of the Pirin mountain), it covered about 6212 ha the highest terrain (area Demonicly and Varansai parts). As time went on, the Park gradually expanded, and today the national Park "Pirin" occupies an area of over 40 000 ha. In 1983 Pirin was taken under the protection of UNESCO.

One of the areas that are under the protection of the territory, "Bayvi dupki – Gingerita", once was one of the oldest reserves. In 1934 it became clear that the need to save virgin forests, which mainly grow in the Balkan and white-barked pine, and to preserve the richness of the local flora and fauna. In 1977 the reserve was in the list of objects of nature, the UNESCO program "Man and biosphere". But by 1994 there was founded another nature reserve called "Ulen".

In "Pirin" there are about 180 species of medicinal herbs, there are about 1315 species of higher plants is almost a third of all the flora of Bulgaria. In addition, there are about 320 different species of mosses and about 165 species of algae.

As for the fauna, this Park has more than 2,000 species of invertebrates and over 200 species of vertebrates. It is home to the European tree frog and the Balkan, which are listed in the International Red book.

To services of visitors of the national Park "Pirin" - eight lodges where you can stay for the night, and four shelters. Works National Park information centre, located in Bansko, for adults and children prepared special lectures about nature which are displayed on interactive screens.

The natural landscapes of the Park "Pirin" is really important to the heritage of Bulgaria, so about storing them care very carefully. Visitors are strictly prohibited pollution of the nature Park, as well as hunting, fishing in some rivers, the illegal cutting of trees and damage to the markings located throughout.

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National Park "Pirin"
Reserve Bayvi-Dupki
Vechinski waterfall