Astrakhan drama theatre Photo: drama theatre

Astrakhan state drama theater is one of the oldest theaters in Russia. In 2010, this temple of art will be 200 years old. Organized theatre a retired Lieutenant A. Gruzinov. The first performance took place on 12 December 1810 in a large barn that belonged to a merchant to Tokarev. A year later, the theatre has occupied a prominent place in the cultural and social life of Astrakhan. Relentless time gave the old room in the old state, and the question arose of building a new capital theatre building.

The organizer and patron of the building became an honorary citizen of the city of N. And. Carpenters. Local architect Volrad created the project of a new building, in which in the course of construction are not times were changed with the latest trends in European theatre architecture. The construction lasted 14 years, from 1873 to 1887. Stone building of the theatre is the pride of many generations - has survived the elements of revolution, a devastating war, the difficult years of the reconstruction of the country, and only in 1987 he needed a major overhaul. The restoration lasted until 1994.

Despite seven years of wandering stranger to the stage, the theater managed to keep their team, but also to significantly upgrade the repertoire. Since 1857, the focus of the work of the theatre was the entreprise. On the oldest Russian theater stages were made by a famous company and outstanding actors. For example, in 1864, in the Astrakhan theatre played an actor of international renown iroh Aldridge. In different years on the stage shone Feodor Chaliapin, Sobinov, Yermolov, Komissarzhevskaya, " Ulanova. In 1986 the activities of Astrakhan state drama theater was awarded the order "Badge of Honor".

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