The Temple Luhur Batukaru Photo: The Temple Of Luhur Batukaru

The to batukaru temple is a Hindu temple located in the province of Tabanan, Bali island. Luhur batukaru is built on the slope of mount batukaru, is among the nine sacred temples in Bali, which protect the island from evil spirits. The temple Luhur batukaru protects the island from the West side.

Mount Batukaru, sometimes pronounce her name as Batukau, ranks second in height among the mountains of Bali. The height of the mountain – 2, 276 meters, the top of the mountain is constantly enveloped in the clouds, and it gives me grief uniqueness and mystery. The Balinese worship the mountain and consider it sacred, it and built a temple in honor of the spirit of the mountain. It should be noted that the mount Batukaru is the third sacred mountain after the mountains of Agung and Batur. On top of the mountain, which is an extinct volcano, the crater, the largest in magnitude among the craters of Bali, the diameter is 12 km away.

The to batukaru temple was built in the XI century and was dedicated to the ancestors of the Raja of the province of Tabanan. In 1604, the temple was destroyed and rebuilt only three centuries later – in 1959. One of the most important shrines of the temple is a seven – tier pagoda, dedicated to the spirit of mount Batucar - Mahādeva. It is believed that the spirit of the mountain - goddess of the earth Mahadeva temple - protects the surrounding area from earthquakes and disasters, and that since the construction of the temple dedicated to the goddess of the volcano never erupted.

To the temple have to travel on a rocky road, so there wouldn't be a lot of people. This temple is a must stop when the Balinese pilgrimage to the top of mount Batukaru, this pilgrimage takes place once a year. The temple is surrounded by many flowers and greenery, so it is also called "Garden temple".

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