The Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Listance Photo: Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Listance

The Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in the graveyard in the village of Listvianka Boksitogorsk districts of the Leningrad region. Village Listvianka is located on the left Bank of the river Kalpi. It has a population of 34 people. Situated at the highway Alesi – Somyno that goes to the track Novaya Ladoga – Yaroslavl. In the village there is a street layout. In the vicinity Listvenki know several sites of the Mesolithic, which is the oldest in the East of the Leningrad region.

The Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary is a monument of architecture of Federal value. The temple is one of the oldest Church buildings in the Leningrad region. It was built in 1599. On the lower section of table of the iconostasis is preserved inscription, which tells us that "... summer 7108 September on the eighth day...", that is, in 1599, on the Nativity of Christ was delivered to the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary the servant of God the farmer D. Timofeev.

The Church consists of three volumes: the temple, the altar prirub and refectory. The roof of the Church and prirub arranged on a double felled extensions of log cabins at the top. The same roof of the refectory – a simple, no second editions.

In 1720 the Church was rebuilt. There is an assumption that this period includes the construction of a refectory and a new porch on crushed. The altar and the temple there is a small portage window. Old appearance is characterized by a doorway from the Church to the refectory – wide slopes, in the center is a carved top deck with keel-shaped frame. The interior carvings of the choir and tabla ancient iconostasis with images of saints and inscription.

In 1932 our lady Church was closed. In 1990-1991, the Church was repaired, the roof replaced, strengthened, aged porch. During the renovation works have tried to keep all the wooden ornaments that are in the Church. It's a carved top, it's located in the centre of the building, the trim that goes around the perimeter of the building and the porch. Small Windows also remained the same.

Again the Church was consecrated in 1992, and at the same time, here were resumed. Currently the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary is in effect, services are held on schedule. The feast day is celebrated on September 21.

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