Bronnaya Gora Photo: Bronnaya Gora

Bronnaya Gora train station, not far from Brest. Here is the tract and the place of mass executions and burials of people during the great Patriotic war in 1942. 7 June 2007 there was a memorial plaque. The victims of the Holocaust, the monument was erected.

Bronnaya Gora monument cynical cold-blooded destruction of people during the period of Nazi occupation. For the Germans always objectionable in the first place were Jews, so most of the dead here 50 thousand people – Jews, but among the killed Russians, Belarusians, people of other nationalities.

In may-June at the railway station Bronnaya Gora was dug common graves area of 16800 square meters. Since mid-June, it began to take on the punishment of innocent civilians, prisoners of war, including the elderly, women and even small children.

The majority of people killed were from the Brest ghetto, where forcibly resettled Jews from all neighborhoods of Brest. The ghetto was created on 16 December 1941. In the autumn of 1942, the Germans demanded a ransom for the lives of its inhabitants, but, even after receiving considerable money and jewelry, all the same made the decision to destroy all the Jews of the ghetto.

Whole railway trains civilians were brought into Bronnaya mountain, where there were already prepared graves. Punishers with cynicism at first people were made to undress on special platforms, then to be laid in the grave, then shot in lying in graves defenseless people.

In March 1944 during the retreat, the Nazis decided to cover their tracks and burn the corpses on Bronnaya Gora. For the residents of Brest forced to dig corpses out of their graves and burn them. Funeral pyres burned night and day for 15 consecutive days. After work, the Nazis shot forced their assistants, and the place of burning corpses planted young trees.

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