State Russian drama theatre. A. P. Chekhov Photo: State Russian drama theatre. A. P. Chekhov

State Russian drama theatre. A. P. Chekhov – one of the most visited and popular theaters of the Republic of Moldova, located in the capital city Chisinau.

The story of the creation of the famous theatre is rooted in 1934. It was at this time in Tiraspol was organized the first permanent theatre of Russian drama, the head of which was the theatre-lover and talented artist – M. P. of the Teeth. Six years later, namely in 1940, the theater moved to Chisinau, in the former theatre "Express". The most striking productions of that time are considered to be performances of "Glory" S. Guseva and "field Marshal Kutuzov" Vladimir Solovyov.

During the Second world war the theatre was repeatedly moved from one city to another. At first it was Odessa (Ukraine), then Cherkessk (Cherkess Autonomous oblast of the RSFSR). After the occupation of Cherkessk in 1942, the theatre was transferred to Mary Turkmen SSR. During this period, the most significant productions of the troupe were such plays as "In the steppes of Ukraine" Korneichuk, "Russian people" (the play by Konstantin Simonov), "Natalka Poltavka" by I. Kotlyarevsky.

In Chisinau, the theatre returned in 1944, and immediately began to tour Moldova, the performances shown in the Central squares of cities and villages, on the body of farm machinery instead of the stage. Among the outstanding leaders of that time can be noted E. V. the Hungarian who has made a significant contribution to the development of the theatre. Under his leadership, the company implemented the performances based on the works of world and Russian classics - Pushkin, N. Gogol, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy, as well as J.-B. Moliere, W. Shakespeare, F. Schiller, J. London, B. Shaw, and others. Special attention was paid to the works of Anton Chekhov, whose name was called the theatre. During activity at the theater were staged almost all the works (plays, novels) Chekhov.

Today the State Russian drama theatre never ceases to conquer the audience with new and new productions. Do not forget about the youngest audience, constantly adding to the repertoire of productions based on the works of Russian and foreign classics for children.

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