The Catholic Cathedral of the Divine Providence Photo: Catholic Church of Divine Providence

The Catholic Cathedral of the Divine Providence is the spiritual and religious center of Chisinau. The history of the Cathedral began in the 20-ies of the XIX century, when this place was built a small chapel in the name of Divine Providence. The interior of the chapel was struck by the parishioners for their beauty – numerous icons, ornate molding on the walls, three altars, beautiful sacristy. However, ten years after its construction it became necessary in the construction of more substantial size of the Church, as the chapel could not accommodate all the faithful. Because funds for the construction of the Church was not enough, Tsar Nicholas I was sent a request for the allocation of money from the state Treasury. As a result, the construction was allocated 20 thousand rubles.

The author of the project and the main architect of the Church was made by architect, Professor of Architecture Academy of fine arts of St. Petersburg-Joseph Charlemagne. The Cathedral was built in the neoclassical style of the late and took the form of an elongated rectangle. Inside the temple was divided by the rows of columns, with six in each row) into three naves. In the main altar (made of wood, with a stone throne) mark crowned the icon of the Mother of God with Baby Jesus in her arms. In addition, the Church had many icons, religious sculptures.

In 1963 the decision of the Council for religious Affairs, service in the Church was banned. However, only a year later by force finally managed to expel the believers from the Church. In the fall of 1964, the Church building was given to the needs built on site of school No. 56 in which arranged the Auditorium. Later the building housed a recording Studio by kinematografistka the Studio "Moldova-film", functioned poetic theatre.

In 1989, after numerous petitions and appeals to the Central authorities of the USSR, the UN building, the Church was returned to believers.

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