Waterfall Sari Sari Photo: Waterfall Sari Sari

Sari Sari is one of the most famous waterfalls located on the Eastern coast of Dominica. It is located South of the village of La Plaine, an hour away from her. La Plaine is the second largest town in the parish of St. Patrick. Nearby is the picturesque Victoria falls, which is located on the White river. The water of this river is known to nourish in Dominica Boiling lake.

You will begin your journey with a wonderful banana plantation. Then you have to climb over slippery and wet stones through the thick rain forest. But believe me, this miracle of nature is worth it. On your way you will meet several small streams that must be forded, so don't forget to wear comfortable and waterproof shoes. To get to the waterfall you will need to climb over large boulders.

And then, finally, in front of you is the charming beauty of the waterfall. He has a pond where you can swim. By all means do it, after all, they say that water is a Sari Sari have a remarkable rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

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