Salamis Photo: Salamis

Once the largest city, the center of economic, political and cultural life of Cyprus, Salamis (Salamis) was located near modern Famagusta. This ancient settlement has played a really huge role in the development of the whole island.

Scientists are inclined to think that the history of the city began in the times of the Trojan war, when on the coast of Famagusta village was founded by Greek Achaeans. Over time, they moved inland, captured the capital of the Cypriots Alasia. Local residents had to find another place to live. It was then that they built on the beach in your new town, which later became known as Salamis.

According to another version, the city was founded by one of the participants of the Trojan war Teukros, who was accused of the death of his brother Ajax. Because of this he was cursed and banished from his native island of Salamis. Teucer settled in Cyprus and built a city, naming it after his native country.

The first mention of Salamis appear in the VII century BC For the entire period of its existence the city was ruled by various peoples: Egyptians, Persians, Romans. This settlement has always been a strategically important point – the one who managed to capture him, could almost effortlessly capture and the whole island.

During the reign of Emperor Constantine Salamis was rebuilt after a terrible earthquake that destroyed the city itself, but also led to the deaths of most of its inhabitants. The new settlement received the name of Constantia. But Constance did not last too long. Constant pirate raids led to the fact that the city was almost completely destroyed, and the people chose to move to Famagusta.

Now, the Salamis ruins. But even they look massive and majestic. So, there you can see the remains of an amphitheater, stadium, market square, and even public restrooms. In addition, up to this day preserved and beautiful mosaics, which were decorated many buildings in the city.

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