Conversation with Photo: Conversation

Main street for walking in františkovy lázně is considered a national prospect. Many of the buildings built along this Avenue, recognized as masterpieces of architecture and are associated with historical figures who visited them earlier. The right of the fountain, made in the form of a wide bowl, which was designed in 1962 by architect probelm, is a multi-storey building, indoor dark tiles. This former Spa house, previously called private resort called "Conversation". During its existence, the building has several times changed the name. For a while it was called the Russian house, probably because it was popular with visitors from Russia, and from 1845 it was renamed the mansion "Archduke Stefan". Incidentally, the latter was a frequent visitor here. His portrait can be seen on the attic of the building.

In 1792 he founded the main street of františkovy lázně – folk Avenue. That's when the plots were divided among the architects who had the honor to build new buildings on their own projects. Plot number 8 went to the Builder from the nearby town of Cheb named Adam Shaq, who was not a freshman in architecture. In 1808 the house was built. His owner Anton Muzil've hotel. In 1850, the house was inherited by Hans Pontine came from a family of creative people.

In 1869 the building of the "Conversation" was redone in the style of classicism. The reconstruction took place under the leadership of Carl Widerman.

Currently this mansion belongs to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Czech Republic. It is a health resort for employees and their families.

Home "Interview" is famous because it stayed for the rest of the founder of the town of františkovy lázně Emperor Franz I, the Bavarian Queen and other monarchs of Europe.

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