The Church Of The Santissima Annunziata Photo: The Church Of The Santissima Annunziata

The Church of the Santissima Annunziata in Gaeta was built in the first half of the 14th century in the Gothic style, which was later changed. Today, it is an excellent example of Baroque architecture.

In 1321, the year the Bishop of Gaeta Francesco Bruno has announced its intention to construct a hospital with an adjacent Church. The construction lasted long enough, and only in 1354, the year the new Church was consecrated in honour of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary – the Santissima Annunziata. And a year later opened and the hospital.

In the 16th century the Church was decorated with magnificent polyptych by Andrea Sabatini, donated by her wealthy resident of Gaeta Giuliano cologna. In the same period in the so-called Golden chapel, located on the side of the apse, the first picture. In 1619, the year began on the first reconstruction of the Church, which resulted in the building received its current Baroque appearance. The author of the project was the Neapolitan architect Andrea Lazzari who facade. His son Jacopo worked on the creation of the chapel of the santissimo canal Sacramento, CA, and nephew – on the inside. In 1686, the year Giuseppe de Martino made a body established right now in the choir loft. Other organ was purchased at the Cathedral. In the 17th century were made wooden choir and two side altars. However, the main throne appeared in the Church only in the 19th century. In the 20th century the Santissima Annutsiata had a difficult fate, mainly because of two world wars. Fortunately, all works of art that adorned the Church, including the old body, it has survived until our days.

The exquisite facade of the Church is a creation of Andrea Lazzari – facing the small area that connects via del Annunziata and the waterfront Giovanni Kaboto. With the big eaves it is divided into three parts. The first section is the portal, while the second has a huge window, and the third is a small bell tower with a clock-to-ceramic. In the first and second sections to the sides there are niches in which were placed the statues of the saints, but which were never made. The right facade of the Church facing the waterfront, was recently renovated. On the left facade is antique side portal in the Gothic style. Probably so was the original main portal of the Church prior to the first reconstruction.

Inside the Santissima Annunziata consists of a Central nave divided into four naves with cross vaults. In the first passage you see two kropelnytsky of colored marble, the big coat of arms of Gaeta under the window, a crucifix in a niche on the left wall and two confessionals. The second span with the side altars are decorated with paintings by Luca Giordano. Special attention deserves the amazing chapel of the santissimo canal Sacramento, vaults are painted Andrea Scapuzzi.

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