Humpback bridge in the Park Photo: Humpback bridge in the Park

Humpback bridge is one of vyrazitelnaya characters Gatchina Park. Humpback bridge connects the island to the Pavilion, eagle and island with a private dock, it is built in 1800-1801 (project A. D. Zakharov, and for its artistic and constructive characteristics constitutes one of the greatest parks bridges of high classicism.

Before the bridge was called the Bridge between the Islands". This name was due to the fact that he was the only Palace Park bridge that connects two Islands, the other bridges connected the Islands with the continent.

Humpback bridge is located at the site for the widest spill White lake and connects together all the structures that are located along the perimeter of the lake, also generated from smooth architectural transition to the Terrace is from the pier Pavilion eagle. This arrangement Humpback bridge makes it a great viewing platform.

Adriano Dmitrievich Zakharov managed to solve this architectural structure with extraordinary majestic simplicity, where every detail is subordinated to the overall integrity. Working on the design of the bridge, from a rich Arsenal of expressive means of architecture, Zakharov chose the ones that most fully and eloquently poured artificial structure with the natural landscape of the Park. All this was reflected in a constructive and compositional solving, bridging over the channel width of the order of 25 m.

Humpback bridge is composed of three main parts: two powerful coastal pillars and steep arched aperture having a width of 9 m and a height of 3 m. the Pillars create a sense of strength and monumentality that emphasizes interpretation of their bases, made of large stone blocks, laid in two rows. Above the foundations of the tower sloping walls, composed of five rows of masonry. Ligament between the bridge and the Islands decided in the form of stepped buttresses. In the middle part of each of the pillars of the hemispherical recess with a large Capstone and strongly profiled archivolt. Niche administered in arch support for more dynamic motif and emphasize the solidity of the foundations.

The embossed frame is linear limits trapezoidal abutments and the arch span. Above the cornice is a balustrade, which consists of six units over the span of the bridge and two for the status quo. Solid stone parapet with raskreposcheny on the sides corresponds to castle rock span in the balustrade. This "weighting" the highest place of the leg arch bridge underlines the Central part of the composition, and also continues the motif of strength lifted over the water connecting link roads.

Humpback bridge performs the function not only of transition but is both an outdoor pavilion-gazebo, since you'll be in the perfect vantage point, and besides, is constructed in such a way as to ensure a beautiful view from it. Each part of the bridge is performed as a terrace with a view. On broad platforms of foundations placed enclosed U-shaped leg balustrade stone benches on volute feet. With platforms going up the stairs of Pudost plates, which converge on the upper terrace. Before the eyes of everyone rising to the bridge follow each other several landscape paintings.

Bridge-the pavilion was built for a long and contemplation of the opening of the panoramic views, to enjoy the surrounding natural beauty. This matches the spirit of the romantic parks of that time.

The significance of the Humpback bridge in the composite decision of the Palace Park and its full grandeur of the monumental appearance induced the architect to the idea of giving the bridge a more triumphal character. In 1801 he had received estimates on which to decorate the bridge had to be performed four bas-relief and the monogram of St. Paul.

During the great Patriotic war Humpback bridge was damaged, destroyed bench and balustrade. During the retreat of the troops of the invaders from Gatchina was planned to blow up the bridge, because after the liberation of Gatchina in the foundations of the bridge were found mines for explosives. In 1969 and in 1980 the bridge was fully restored. He is now in a dilapidated condition.

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