Reserve Photo: Reserve "Glebovsky swamp"

"Glebovsky swamp" – regional hydrological reserve, located in the Gatchina, Gatchina and Luga areas between settlements Dubovik, Nut and Konecki. The basis for the organization of the reserve was the decision of the Leningrad region Executive Committee dated 29 March 1976. Initiated by the Botanical Institute named after V. L. Komarov RAS for the purpose of protection of typical bog that has water protection and resource value. Re-approval was held on December 26, 1996 the decree of the Government of the Leningrad region.

The reserve's area is 14 700 hectares, of which 7, 7 sq km is located in the Gatchina, 5, 9 sq km – Tosno and 1, 1 sq km Luga districts. The length of the bog is 20-22 km on the watershed of the river and the Tosna. Width – 5-7 km In the swamp – 5 lakes, including a rather large Black lake (600 ha). From the swamp flows 7 streams that flow into the river Oredezh and form a tributary of the river Tosna and Glinka. Lake Deaf and Black are connected by a channel.

Lake depth is 1-3 m; the bottom is covered by peat. Vegetation in the lakes is almost no off – lot quagmire. Swamp poorly forested, swampy, engaged in a greater degree of ridge-Ozernoye and hummock-hollow complexes. Jumper with boggy sphagnum pine forests separate them from each other. The vegetation cover is represented by abundant Heather (in the marshes East of it is missing), dwarf birch. The depth of peat is on average 3, 5 m. a Narrow forest strip bordering the swamp presented Oxalis and bilberry spruce forests with admixture of lime, oak, elm. Somewhere across serialisation with ground -, birch and aspen reed, appeared in the spruce forests.

Flora of the sanctuary is represented by 51 vascular plants, 10 species brievik mosses, 13 – sphagnum, 9 types of hepatic mosses and lichens. In the swamp grows cranberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, bilberries, blueberries.

The fauna in General is typical for raised bogs. Nesting Golden Plover, grey crane, ptarmigan, black grouse. In the strip of forest adjacent to the bog, marked birds: long-eared owl, Ural owl, black woodpecker. During migration stop on the lakes diving and river ducks, gulls, sandpipers. From mammals here you can find a brown bear, wild boar, elk, Fox, wolf, marten. Relatively, high number of mountain hares.

The main protected objects of nature reserve "Glebovsky swamp include: hydrological complex of swamps, forested areas with broad-leaved species, current grouse birds, rare species of animals and plants: willow grouse, common crane, Golden Plover, dwarf birch.

The protection regime of the reserve is aimed at prohibiting or restricting the extraction of peat, forest felling (other than sanitary), development of the area, the organization of land reclamation, hunting upland game and other economic activities that damage or damage to natural complexes. Allowed the mushroom and berry picking, excursions for pupils and students, scientific work.

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