The Museum's Photo: the Museum of "Summer capital"

In Siversky village, Gatchina district is a unique historical Museum "Summer capital". He opened in 1992 due to personal initiative Valentina Yudina and the assistance of local historian and historian Andrei Burlakov in the building of the old HOMESTEAD of the late 19th century.

The Museum exposition tells about the life of leisure, the life of the cottagers, who, most of them were middle class and high society of St. Petersburg. The Museum has several rooms where you can learn about the history of the village, about suburban life before the revolution and after, to see works of art related to Siverskiy. Most of the exhibits were donated to the Museum by local residents. Now you can visit the thematic halls: Siverskiy the eyes of artists", "Suburban life until October 1917", "Siverskiy is a country of young pioneers", "Siverskiy a health center in the Soviet era", "the Estate of Gatchina district", "Country kitchen". In addition, the Museum staff can conduct a walking tour of the village of Siversky, and bus – on Gatchina district.

In the mid to late 19th century Siverskiy was considered the real capital gardeners. It is here for the convenience of visitors was built one of the first railway stations. In Siverskiy was 6 theatres in which in the season by leading actors of the Moscow theatres. Near the village was luxury estates and mansions. To afford to build a cottage in Siverskiy could only people with good incomes.

Over time, the former glory of the capital gardeners faded. With the advent of Soviet power in lavish mansions arranged vacation homes, motels, summer camp. Part of the Ville was redesigned into residential apartments. During the Second World war the manor was lodged German pilots. In the 90 years of the 20th century part of the old buildings burned down during the fires. This was the fate suffered by the estate of the writer Alexei Tolstoy.

The Museum's "Summer capital" is located in Krasnaya street (former Church) in the guest house of the estate of German architect and painter Ivan Holldorf. In 1910 the estate he bought the writer Ivan Ivanov. Came to visit the Unit, Mayakovsky, Mike, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Akhmatova, Chukovsky, Merezhkovsky, Gippius, Nadson, White. Resting in Siverskiy, great artists Ivan Shishkin wrote "morning in a pine forest" and "Rye", and Ivan Kramskoi – "Mina Moiseev," "Peasant with a bridle" and "Polesovsky".

In the early 20th century the estate comprised a bedroom camp. Later the building housed classrooms correctional school, staying there until 1988. Currently working on a collection of objects the Museum continues. There are plans to restore the historic appearance of the estate.

Near the Museum, on the mountain is a holiday home Maikova. In front of him – a large meadow. Beyond the river Oredezh are picturesque red Sandstone. The river is clean and quiet, but because in summer it is possible to swim. Nearby, on the road from the Museum to the station, there is a unique natural water source – a spring of Youth.

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