The Church of Santa Maria di Castello Photo: the Church of Santa Maria di Castello

Santa Maria di Castello Church, which is part of the religious complex of the Dominican order. It is located on the hill of Castello in Genoa, on the spot where once stood the ancient Roman fortress. Beside the Church stands a huge tower Torre Embrace.

Santa Maria di Castello, built in the Romanesque style, was built around 900 A. D. Today, within its walls you can see many works of art donated by noble families of Genoa, is the work of masters such as Francesco Maria Schiaffino, Lorenzo Fasolo, Alessandro Gherardini, Giuseppe Palmieri, Francesco Boccaccino pier Francesco Sacchi, etc. Especially noteworthy frescoes depicting the "History of David, and majolica painted pottery of the 16th century, made by local artists.

The altar of the Church is decorated with marble composition from the late 17th century, "the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary" Domenico Parodi. In the chapel to the left of the presbytery is a picture of "Santa Rosa of Lima" hand of Domenico Piola. In another chapel you can see the painting "Madonna del Rosario" is a masterpiece of Anton Maria Maragliano.

The baptistery is remarkable polyptych, written by Lombard craftsmen in the 15th century. The main entrance to the Church is made in the Tuscan style in the mid-15th century and is surrounded by Gothic lunettes 14th century – arched openings.

Covered gallery, addressed to one of the cloisters, frescoed with images of saints, the Madonna of the Annunciation and of the work of Giusto D'alemagna 1451. On the top floor of the gallery is a statue of Saint Catherine of Alexandria and the marble ark, the creation of which is attributed to Domenico Gagini.

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