The Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in Murovanka Photo: Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in Murovanka

The Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in the village of Murovanka, or Malomoskovskaja Church, Orthodox Church of the defense type, built in 1524. According to surviving documents, it was founded Vilna podkonice Shimko Mackiewicz-Sklansky. Despite the fact that in the Church in Murovanka was Orthodox family tomb, despite all the protests of the heirs are buried in 1598 Malomoskovskaja the Church was handed over to the Uniates.

As shown by the further fate Murawinski Church, its founders showed considerable foresight by building it as a fortress. Not once in its long history the Church has withstood the siege, and gave shelter to local residents. In 1647, during the war with the Russians, the Church was stormed and looted. Left their marks on the ancient walls of the Russo-Polish war and the war with the Swedes.

Good times for the Church, newly Orthodox, came after Belarusian lands were incorporated into the Russian Empire. Himself Russian Tsar Alexander I, a passage had been in Murovanka, ordered to repair the temple, struck his fancy. The Church was renovated. In 1864 the Church was organized a parochial school, the College house.

Difficult fate awaited the Church after the end of the First world war – the poles made it into the Church. The revival of the Orthodox traditions of the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in Murovanka began in 1993, when she was again transferred to believers. Now in the Church carried out the restoration. Resumed Church services. Sunday school works. The government of the Republic of Belarus reported that Murovanka the Church will be included in the list of UNESCO world heritage site.

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