Xiang zoo Photo: Xiang zoo

Xiang zoo is one of the unique places in South-East Asia. Here, in the vicinity of Guangzhou, is a real Safari Park, which contains more than 400 representatives of wild fauna. Of course, unlike a traditional African Safari, hunting of animals is prohibited.

Nature Park was opened in 1997 and for a relatively short time, gained immense popularity. On an area of 130 square kilometers in the natural habitat of the unique animals live, some of the last representatives of their kind.

In Xiang, the zoo is home to almost half the population of all white tigers planets that are in captivity. Tens of thousands of people every year come to see this rare predator.

The Park is divided into special zones, each of which corresponds to one of the continents. For example, in the area of representing Australia were specially imported koalas. By the way, this is the first of the so-called marsupial bears, brought to China with the Australian continent. Besides these, the Australian section of the zoo is home to kangaroos, EMU bird, and other exotic animals Asia.

The most extensive area dedicated to African animals. Here tourists can observe the life of elephants, giraffes, hippos and lions.

Traditional for the South China Panda located in a separate enclosure. In addition, in this area you can admire the Lake Mandarin ducks and monkey Hill, where you can meet almost all representatives of the primates.

To get around the whole zoo, it needs much time, so in the "Xiangjiang" allowed to travel by private car. Well, or hire a local, for example African Safari. Tourists can also take overnight trips, because, as you know, that night in the wild boil real life and the unfolding drama.

Thanks to tourism Xiang zoo can independently engage in scientific activities aimed primarily at the preservation of rare species of animals.

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