Archaeological zone of Sidi-Jedidi Photo: Archaeological zone of Sidi-Jedidi

50 km from Tunis city and not far from Hammamet (Yasmine Hammamet) is the former Roman settlement, Dating from the II-III centuries ad. Now this ancient city is located in the archaeological zone of Sidi-Jedidi and open to the public.

This city was very developed. On site, archaeologists discovered a Roman Villa with colorful mosaics, which at the time was only available to the nobility, spas and other stone structures. The same was excavated Roman road that ran from Carthage. These constructions can be seen that through the indwelling of the trade route from the Mediterranean or the city itself was a major trading place.

Historians studying more ancient surviving foundations, suggest that this area was once a Phoenician settlement, founded in the first century ad. When the area was conquered by the Roman armies, Phoenician houses were gradually rebuilt in their place were built of stone, and which survived until our days. The Romans built in the village temple and even a small amphitheater. In the XIV century the whole building were looted and then destroyed by Catalan pirates. Since then, the town was practically abandoned and no buildings were not restored.

Next to the remains of buildings in the area of Sidi-Jedidi tombs of the II-III centuries ad. History enthusiasts will certainly be interested in ancient tombs and catacombs, some of which have survived almost intact.

In the archaeological area you can walk through the ruins of ancient streets, looking at the remains of Roman villas, walls and columns decorated with mosaics.

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