The Atomic Bomb Dome Photo: Atomic Bomb Dome

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima was made the morning of 6 August 1945. The city was dropped a nuclear bomb with affectionate nickname "the Kid", this "baby" destroyed about 166 thousand people. The purpose of the atomic strikes on two Japanese cities in August 1945, the task was to force Japan to quickly sign the act of surrender in the Second World war. August 15, Japan announced its surrender, and the official document was signed only on September 2.

The atomic bomb dome in Hiroshima is one of the most famous monuments to the victims of the atomic bombing and is also a world heritage site by UNESCO. It is located next to Memorial peace Park. The epicenter of the Hiroshima atomic bombing marked a modest memorial plaque with photo and text in Japanese and English.

The famous atomic bomb dome and under the title "Atomic dome", "Nuclear Cathedral" and "atomic bomb Dome". During the disaster the building, surmounted by a dome in the form of a hemisphere, and therefore reminiscent of the Cathedral, was 160 metres from the epicenter of the bomb explosion, and miraculously survived – only homes in the area. Some walls of the building collapsed, everything inside was burnt from the fire, and there were people killed.

This building was built in 1915 by the project of Czech architect Jan Letzel in the then rare for Japanese European style. Before the Second world war the house was used as an exhibition hall of the chamber of Commerce of the city, and in wartime there is also some units of the administration.

When were the recovery of Hiroshima, the building decided to strengthen to prevent further destruction, and save as a reminder of the tragic events of 6 August 1945. Next to "Atomic" Cathedral of the memorial stone, near which you can always see a bottle of drinking water in memory of those who survived in the moment of the crash, but died after her thirst in the coming nuclear hell.

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