Sonorous cave Photo: a Sonorous cavern

Sonorous cave in the North-Western part of the resort Goracy Key is one of the most interesting natural attractions. This cave, in fact, more like a grotto and attracts visitors with its interesting acoustic feature: man in the cave, you can hear all the sounds, spoken on the other side of the river Psekups, which is located at a great distance, and Vice versa. Thanks to this amazing ability, the cave got its official name is "Ringing".

To get to silver cave, located in the rock Cockerel, is quite simple. So it is often included in the sightseeing tours of the local region. To get to the cave you need to pass along the crest of the rock, and opposite the left source of the river to climb a specially carved steps. Once inside the cave, the first thing you see is carved into the wall of the ledge, which locals use as a bench to rest.

A little above the Ringing of the cave is a small cavity, known as the cave of Salvation. Ancient Circassians called her once Happy grotto. These two caves are shrouded in different legends, according to which Voiced the cave served as a refuge for many apostates who have committed serious crimes and expelled from the tribe. Other legends claim that it was in the cave of Salvation was hiding sentenced to death criminals, and then went to the sea by secret paths to permanently leave their homes.

Sonorous cave, like the rock Cockerel, is one of mysterious and interesting attractions of the resort Hot Key.

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