A Shrine Of ISE Photo: The Sanctuary Of ISE

ISE-Jingu Shrine is the main Shinto Shrine of Japan, and access to pilgrims, or the General public not open to all its temples and buildings. The entrance to the main sanctuary is restricted to members of the Imperial family and the clergy of the highest rank. In the main Shrine and all may enter only the Emperor and his wife. All other can only see the roof of the sanctuary, surrounded by four high walls.

The ISE Jingu consists of two complexes – the inner sanctum Nike, dedicated to Amaterasu, and external Secu was built in honor of the goddess of food.

In ancient times the sanctuary Amaterasu and Aconitum was in the Palace of the Emperor and followed the Emperor, if he changed his place of residence. In the fourth century the Emperor Sujin broke this tradition and ordered to move to the sanctuary in a village not far from his Palace. His successor, Emperor Suining instructed the Princess to find a permanent place for the sanctuary Amaterasu. In ISE to the Princess turned the goddess and indicated the place for the construction of the temple. And later, again by the will of the goddess, in the temple sanctuary was founded deity of Toeye, which has a cook with Amaterasu. Also in the temple complex are built for horses and roosters Amaterasu, and in programowa garden vegetables, of which prepare the food for the goddess.

In ISE-Jingu Shrine contain national treasures, one of which is the Imperial regalia of the Holy Mirror. Around the sanctuary is a national Park ISE-Shima, on which territory there are several historic objects.

Until 1945, the Church was separated from the rest of the world by the Miyagawa river which was the border of the Holy land. The priests could not leave the temple and to cross the river, so as not to violate the purity required for the service of the deities. The pilgrims, however, had to cross the river to commit ritual bath. Now you only need to cross the river by a bridge, to wash their hands and rinse mouth.

In Japan sentaida deity endowed with the properties of living beings: they need food, and – occasionally – updated home. It is believed that the sanctuary must sometimes readjust. In ISE restructuring occurs every 20 years, the last one was conducted in 1993. However, from the mid-fifteenth to the second half of the XVI century, this tradition was not respected because of internecine conflicts and financial difficulties of the state.

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