The Beylerbeyi Palace Photo: The Palace Of Beylerbeyi

Since the days of the Byzantine Empire, the territory of the modern district of Istanbul – Beylerbeyi, located on the Asian coast of the Bosphorus Strait, was settled. Historical sources of the eighteenth century tell us that this place was called "the gardens Stavros" (from the Byzantine., istavroz – cross) after the Emperor Constantine the Great erected a cross. During the Ottoman Empire there was an Imperial Park. Indigen – known traveler XVIШ century, describes the events in which this place is called Beylerbeyi. During the reign of Murad III, in the sixteenth century, Mehmed Pasha, was awarded with the title of Governor-General of Beylerbeyi Rumelia, after which he built a country house on the banks of the Bosphorus.

By the order of Sultan Mahmud II in 1827 in Beylerbeyi Palace appeared, which was created by the architect Kirkor by Balana. However, in 1851, under Sultan Abdul-Majid I, is a structure consisting entirely of wood and adjacent to the shore was partially destroyed by fire. Managed to survive only a Marble pavilion Mermer keshk, a large pool and lower terrace.

Sultans of the Ottoman Empire in the XVII century, built a summer residence, halls. In 1861-1864, by the order of Sultan Abdulaziz – brother and successor, Abdul-Majid I, on the same place where it was destroyed by a fire in a wooden Palace, belonging to Mahmud II, architects Agopop and Sarkis Balanon was re-erected a new Palace - the summer residence of the sultans. He was a very important persons of foreign States during their visit to the Ottoman capital, and was designed in the Baroque style.

In 1865, completed construction of structures made of stone and white marble. Its length along the coast is 65 m. he was Surrounded by gardens of magnolias. The Palace was divided into two parts – the harem and General quarters.

Beylerbeyi consisted of two main floors and a basement (basement) of the building, which housed the kitchen and pantries. The Palace was beautifully and tastefully decorated, it has three inputs, 6 large ceremonial hall and 26 rooms. Behind it stands the flower beds with fragrant magnolias. There is also a large swimming pool and several summer palaces.

The interior of the Palace is a strange mixture of a variety of Eastern and Western styles, although the scheme of the rooms is done in the Turkish tradition with a sofa in the middle. The furnishing and decoration of the harem, compared with total rooms, looked modest. The design and decoration of the public rooms, called Selamlik, was richer and more diverse.

It is interesting that Paul in Beylerbeyi covered with reeds, which were delivered from Egypt (the so-called Egyptian mats). In the winter he has delivered the inhabitants from dampness and moisture, and in the summer he was a rescue from the heat. On the floor lay a rare handmade carpets. Same and carpets were in the Dolmabahce Palace. They were made in the Royal weaving workshops in Hereke. In the Palace you can admire the magnificent beauty of Bohemian chandeliers, Chinese, Japanese, French and Turkish porcelain vases, French clock. Sultan Abdulaziz was passionate about ships. In the era of his reign the Turkish fleet was the second largest in the world after English. This is reflected in the interior of the Palace. Here you can observe a great variety of marine motifs and images of ships.

Around the Palace was the hunting grounds, a zoo and a garden with plants brought here from all over the world. There is a tunnel leading from the Palace to the gardens, built by Mahmud the Second. It's unusual for a place like this, because this is usually done by building bridges. Yellow and Marble pavilions, Musical apartments, deer House, Pigeon temple, barnyard and Royal stables surround the Palace.

In different time periods there has been visited by such important people as the Prince of Wales, king Edward VIII, the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph, Prince Nicholas, the Persian Shah Nasreddin, king of Montenegro, Prince of Serbia, the last Sultan of Turkey, Abdulhamid. The Shah of Iran – Nasreddin after the overthrow was imprisoned in the Palace and died there in 1918. The 1869 stayed in the Palace and the wife of Napoleon III, the Empress Eugenie. Sultan Abdulaziz supervised the process of preparation and decoration of the chambers of such an important guest. It was rumored that he was quite indifferent to the Empress. This is evidenced by the fact that even a mosquito net hanging on the window above the bed Eugene, was dotted with tiny pearls. French Empress was so flattered that when he returned home, ordered in his Palace of the Tuileries the same window as the residence of Beylerbeyi on the shore of the Bosphorus.

The Palace has consistently evoked admiration and delight your refined elegance. The gardens are only allowed by prior agreement and not all of them.

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