The fountain of Sultan Ahmed III Photo: Fountain of Sultan Ahmed III

The fountain, located in front of the gate of Baba Humayun Topkapi Palace, was built in 1728-1729, on the orders of Ahmed III - Sultan-reformer "the age of tulips", on the site of a Byzantine fountain Periton. This masterpiece of architecture was built in the style of Ottoman Baroque and shows the European influence on classical Ottoman architecture. The fountain of Sultan Ahmed III was originally located on the square in Uskudar in front of the pier. This unusual building with a gabled roof covers an area of 10x10 meters. It was built on the beach that travelers sailing on the Bosphorus, were able to quench their thirst. Previously, religious holidays, and days of Ramadan city dwellers at the walls of the fountain were distributed free sorbet.

On the main facade of the building you can read the instruction of Ahmed III, "Pray for Ahmed Khan and drink this water after you say your prayers". To its present location of the fountain of Sultan Ahmed III was displaced by renovations. Building located in the center of the swimming pool in the shape of a prism with eight faces is located at the corners of sebila (charity fontao) and lateral fountains. The basic design, is mounted on a platform with two-step staircase. The design has a high aesthetics due to such elements of architectural décor, ornaments with floral motifs, muqarnas (convex finish), canopies, niches and curbs. In addition, the medallions with the words "Allah" and the motives with the image of long, slender vases with bouquets of flowers are an indicator of high artistic quality. The wooden roof of the fountain is covered with lead, which protects the main part of the structure from the effects of sunlight and other environmental factors. Above the fountain are dome small size, and the ornaments on the cornices of wood attached to the roof of the artistic value. Extraordinary beauty and ease to give the building a graceful arches, beautifully decorated with tiles, the original reliefs and hinged roof. Stele of the fountain, which is located above the fountain bait of Sultan Ahmed III, is composed of massive marble, were the property of Sultan Ahmed III, Grand vizier Damad Ibrahim and the Pasha Nevsehir. They were painted font solusi and not once mentioned the famous poets of the time such as Shakir, and Nadeem Rahim.

In our time the fountain is located at the intersection populous avenues of Pasalimani and Hakimiyeti Millie and is rightly called one of the most beautiful fountains of Istanbul.

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