The Fortress Of Ivangorod Photo: The Fortress Of Ivangorod

From the fortress, founded in 1492 and marked the beginning of the Ivangorod, to the present day survived only separate fragments. It was a quadrangular fortress with four square towers at the corners, with walls built of local limestone, having a thickness of 3 m. the Walls were finished with battlements, which housed the loopholes.

In 1496 began work on the reconstruction of fortifications: to the Eastern side of the fortress was built much larger than a new rectangular fortress, later called the Great Barrego of the city. Thus, two corner towers of the old fortress 1492 was imbedded in the wall of the new.

Great Barsi the city was stretched from West to East, the total length of the wall 617 meters. In the corners stood four round towers, between which is located a rectangular tower. Two towers, in which there was a gate, came to us already in the reconstructed form. So in place of the Gate towers in the sixteenth century was built octagonal Breather tower, which was the trap had broken through the enemy, as it had no covering, and from the battlements of the fortress wall above, is easily exposed to fire. In the nineteenth century this tower was restored.

In 1507 to the Big Boersema the city from the West and to the edge of the cliff leading to the river, built a new fortification, the Castle, which completely engulfed the original fortress of 1492. Two interesting towers were built in the walls of the Castle, one Well, the other highest - powder, from the viewpoint of which a good view of the river and Narva.

Throughout the XVI century was carried out construction work on the improvement and strengthening of the fortress. In the XVII century, the construction was completed extension to the North-Western Front of the fortress city. By the construction of the Front of the city with its two towers (the tower of the Governor and a long-Necked), the entire territory of the Maiden of the mountain was built up. Ivangorod became more impregnable defensive fortification.

Despite the fact that the fortress ensemble was created over a significant period of time (from the late fifteenth to early seventeenth century), the Ivangorod fortress is a coherent, logically completed architectural work.

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