Basilica of ECCE Homo (the Convent of the sisters of Zion) Photo: Basilica of ECCE Homo (the Convent of the sisters of Zion)

Catholic Basilica ECCE Homo (Latin for "behold the Man") in the territory of the convent of the sisters of Zion is dedicated to new Testament episode: Pontius Pilate beaten displays Christ to the people. The Evangelist John writes about this: "Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, behold, I am bringing Him out to you to let you know that I find no fault in Him. Then Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And he said to them, Pilate: behold the Man! "(John 19:4-5). Perhaps the Procurator had hoped that the Jews, who wanted to release for Easter of Jesus, and Barabbas, you change your mind. However, the chief priests continued to demand that Jesus be crucified, and Pilate gave up.

The Basilica stands on the via Dolorosa. Thrown across the street arch, one end of which is a part of the temple, also called ECCE Homo. It has long been thought that here was the pavement – sublime-paved place, which was located at the judgment seat. Modern archaeologists don't agree with it, but for the pilgrims walking the via Dolorosa through the Cross of Jesus, is not important the exact coordinates. ECCE Homo is located on the second station of the Cross where Christians remember the laying of the cross of Jesus.

Entrance from the via Dolorosa leads to the Basilica, and to the glass wall, through which to view the interior of the temple. Inside the Basilica would look severely, if not bright gilding there, which fits the arch of ECCE Homo. In order to get to Church, you have to go to the monastery with side streets, which is named after the nuns – the sisters of Zion.

The monastery was built in 1857 Marie-Alphonse of the Ratisbon. A French Jew, a fierce atheist, Ratisbon was baptized and became a Jesuit priest after his vision of the virgin Mary. He built a monastery buildings, a Church and an orphanage for girls, and later the nuns bought a few neighboring houses.

In the process of excavations there were discovered Roman stone slabs. For a while they were considered the Pavement, which was judged by Jesus, but we now know that that was a later paving Dating back to the II century, and the arch of ECCE Homo. On ancient slabs made (probably by soldiers of the Emperor Hadrian) notches – blanks for games. The monastery also houses other artifacts found during the excavations.

Also tourists interested in the pool Stration – ancient reservoir for rainwater, built by Herod the Great in the first century BC Stration was discovered directly beneath the monastery. They have water now, but the pool is covered by a stone partition. It was built by the nuns when the tunnels of the Western wall, part of which is the pool opened to visitors. Now Stration can be seen from two sides – from tunnels and on the territory of the convent of the sisters of Zion.

In the monastery there is a modest but comfortable guest house. Staying in it, tourists can climb to the rooftop terrace with a Cup of coffee to enjoy the unforgettable view over the Old town.

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