Basilica Of The Agony (Church Of All Nations) Photo: Basilica Of The Agony (Church Of All Nations)

Catholic Basilica of the Agony (Church of All Nations) dedicated to one of the dramatic episodes of the New Testament – agony.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke tell us that the night before the arrest of Jesus in anticipation of testing grieved, horrified and grieved. His human nature did not want suffering and death, but His divine will led to them. In this internal struggle Jesus was the one closest earthly friends slept nearby, before He turned to the Heavenly Father with the request to remove this Cup of suffering pass. "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground" (Luke 22:44). Catholic tradition holds that this occurred on the very spot where stands the Basilica of the Agony, is at the foot of the Holy mountain, close to the current the garden of Gethsemane.

Second its name – All Nations Church is because its construction helped many countries. The architect Antonio Bellucci, who built a Basilica in 1924, thanked them for their help unusual and beautiful. The Church roof has twelve grey domes on the inner surface of each crest of the country, who donated the building. So marked Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Belgium, Canada, Germany and the USA. Mosaic in the apse donated by Ireland, Hungary and Poland, wrought wreath around the "rock of agony" – Australia. The altar in the garden near the temple is used by all Christian denominations.

The Basilica is one of the most magnificent churches in Jerusalem. Its classical facade is decorated with magnificent mosaics of the work of Giulio Bargellini. A huge mural in gold, red and blue tones depicts Jesus praying and the people for whom He is the only hope. The inscription in Latin is a quotation from the book of Hebrews the Apostle Paul: "He, in the days of His flesh, with strong crying and tears brought prayers and supplications which is able to save Him from death, and was heard for His reverence". Four groups of Corinthian columns surmounted by figures of the evangelists.

The interior of the Church decided rather in the Byzantine style – strong columns and an abundance of mosaics. The temple was built on the foundations of the chapel of the twelfth century the crusaders and the Byzantine Basilica of IV century, destroyed by an earthquake in the eighth century. During the construction of the discovered fragments of ancient mosaics, which Berlucchi carefully preserved: glass window in the floor allows you to admire it.

Purple stained glass and blue, with stars, domed ceilings reminiscent of grim atmosphere of that night when Jesus wrestled with doubts. Before the altar in the shape of a bowl extends fragment of the rock – according to legend, Christ prayed on it. Metal wreath around the stone symbolizes the crown of thorns.

Of course, no one can with absolute certainty as to say that this really is the very rock. But people come here to pray, to reflect and to grow in faith, remembering what ended the agony of Jesus: "o My father! if not possible for this Cup to be taken away unless I drink it, Thy will be done" (MT 26:42).

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