Center for the arts and crafts of the Jerusalem house of quality Photo: center for the arts and crafts of the Jerusalem house of quality"

Center for the arts and crafts of the Jerusalem house of quality" is also a Museum, gallery, and workshop. In addition, the center is an example of careful attitude of the state to the artists.

Non-profit organization "Jerusalem house of quality" emerged in 1963 with the support of the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion and President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi: officials wanted to promote artists and craftsmen of Jerusalem. The center now has this goal: to create an environment in which creative people could work productively. They provide workshops, help to organize exhibitions. However, not every artist can earn a place in the center, all undergo a rigorous selection: the name itself means that local work is of high quality, they, figuratively speaking, bear the stamp "Made in Jerusalem".

The house in which there is a center, one of the most interesting historical buildings in the city. It was built in the twenties of the XX century British architect Clifford Holliday as the new wing charitable eye hospital of the Hospitaller knights of the order of St. John of Jerusalem. The main hospital building, built in the nineteenth century, suffered during the First world war, and task Holliday was not only to renovate the old building, but to build new ones. Two new corps were divided Hebron road, and was connected by a tunnel under the ground. In one, simpler, now is the cable car Museum mount Zion, and across the street, in a large and spectacular – "the Jerusalem house of quality".

Halliday built this building in the eclectic style, blending elements of Eastern and European architectures, with a clear allusion to the medieval English castle. However, a courtyard, surrounded on all sides by walls, is a typical detail of the Jerusalem houses of the XIX century. Because the money for the construction was donated by the British aristocracy, the facade and the courtyard walls are decorated with their coats of arms. One of the undoubted attractions of the house – "Armenian bathroom with gorgeous ceramic tile Armenian artist Davit Hovhannisyan, created in 1925. The wall is covered with tiles of blue patterns, green cypress in the middle is the gem of this room. Black-and-white mosaic on the ceiling depicts a stylized Maltese cross.

Metal fence in the balcony of the second floor also attracts attention. Those who were in the Knesset, will instantly recognize the style of the sculptor David Palombo – like grille stands at the entrance to the territory of the Israeli Parliament.

And yet, in "the Jerusalem house of quality" visitors are interested not only in the building itself. Here you can buy unique works of art and to observe how the potters, jewelers, painters, glass blowers, sculptors, mosaicists, engravers, masters for the production of Judaica. Here are regularly held exhibitions, concerts, lectures, seminars, conferences, musical evenings centre lives a rich cultural life. And the roof of the building, which definitely should climb, stunning views of Jerusalem.

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