The Church Of The Dormition Of The Mother Of God Photo: Church Of The Dormition Of The Mother Of God

The Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God was built on the site of a Gothic Church that was built in 1418. The old building has withstood the test of time and numerous fire and was partially destroyed in 1737. Place, prayerful parishioners, was not supposed to be empty, so the bishops of Wroclaw, which was subordinate local congregation, ordered the construction of a new Church on the Foundation of the old. From the original temple to the present day preserved elements of the medieval towers of the Western facade, decorated in the Baroque style. The new Church appeared in jeseník in 1883. Its construction was short-lived: it lasted just a year.

During the devastating fire of 1737, suffered parish and municipal archives. Documentation was kept in the Church vestry. To restore them was very difficult, so it was subsequently decided to move the place to store backups in another building.

The new Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God very richly decorated. Now we can see many elements that were acquired in the late nineteenth century. These are items with a history, worked out by many famous artists of his time. Most of them were created long before the specified period. For example, a gorgeous painting, which depicts the assumption of the virgin Mary adorning the niche behind the high altar, was written in 1763 Eliason František Herbert. This artist is also the author of several images placed on the side altars. The sculptor of the main altar is considered Bernard Kutter, over the side and worked for Christian Keller.

Church people also pay attention to luxurious stained glass covering the Windows of the temple.

During one of the repairs of the Church in the crypt the remains were discovered approximately 15 people. All the bones were carefully collected and placed in one coffin, installed in the Church.

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