Temple Taka-JI Photo: Temple Taka-JI

The everyday name of the temple Taka-JI temple, by which he is better known – Enchiridia, or the Temple divorces. This Buddhist temple was built convent, where men were exiled unloved wives or wives themselves escaped from violent husbands and in-law. This monastery is the only surviving of the five women, called Emagazin.

Taka-JI temple is located just 250 metres from the temple of Engaku-JI temple. The temple belongs to the Rinzai school, it was founded in 1285 by a relative of the first shogun of the Kamakura Minamoto Yoritomo, whose name was Mino-no-Tsubone. And first abbess was Kakusan-nor, widow of the sixth Regent HOJO, Tokimune, who after her husband's death a monk.

In those days a man could easily divorce, and for women it was not so simple. Officially divorced was considered a woman who lived in the monastery for one year. In 1873 a law was passed about divorces and divorce cases began to review in the courts, so seeking a divorce in a monastery of women became less.

For six centuries, the monastery remained a strictly female territory, ruled by women, including the mother superiors became lady of very noble birth, and only in 1902 for the position of rector was given of a man.

The temple has repeatedly suffered from fires, but many of its sites have managed to maintain. In particular, the main hall and the statue of the goddess of mercy Kannon declared a national treasure. National treasure is also a temple bell cast in 1255. On site is a Museum of the history of the temple Matsuga-eye. In the hall Taihan-Dan is the statue of Buddha foot magic Nyorai, founded in the XIV-XVI centuries and surrounded by three statues of priors of the monastery, among them a statue Takusan-no.

Near the temple you will find a garden, the flowering period which lasts from March to June, and behind the Church is a cemetery, where are buried many famous people in Japan.

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