The temple Sugimoto-Dera Photo: Temple Sugimoto-Dera

Sugimoto-Dera temple is the first temple which was built in kamakura. The year of its Foundation – 734-th. From the mid-eighth century the monks began to build in kamakura and other temples, spreading his teachings and turning the city into a center of Zen Buddhism. The temple belongs to the Tendai school.

The initiative of creation of the temple is attributed to a Coma – the wife of This Emperor, who ordered to build a temple, and thus to appease the residents of the devastated Eastern regions of the country. As priest-founder, invited the priest Gyoki. He selected a suitable place for the construction of the temple, which was dedicated to the goddess of mercy, Kannon. It is believed that the name Gyoki is somehow related to 1200 temples of Japan. For his services the priest was awarded the title Daibosatsu ("the Great bodhisattva Emperor).

The main Shrine of the temple is the statue of Odinnadtsatidnevnoe Kannon, which was also created by the founder Gyoki. In 985 851 and, for the temple were made two new statues of the goddess. First cut out Ennin, who led the Buddhist Tendai school, and the second was created by a priest Genshin the Emperor of Kazan, who lived in the monastery, moving away from the situation. Previously, Kazan appointed Sugimoto-Dera temple, the first item in pilgrimage "route" Bando, who passed on 33 Holy places of the Kanto region. In such a "route" for the 33 shrines of Kamakura temple Sugimoto-Dera temple was the fourth stop.

Three statues of the goddess Kannon was not injured in the fire that took place in 1189. They saved a man named Jedi-Bo and laid at the foot of the high cedar. This case and gave the name to the temple (Sugimoto-Dera temple is translated as "Temple at the base of the cedar"), and also added to the popularity among the pilgrims. Later the story changed a bit, with the deletion of the Savior, and the statue as if were miraculously saved. Currently stored in the temple, five statues of Kannon. The fourth gave Minamoto no Yoritomo, in 1191, and the fifth appeared in 1963 and was made the chief priest.

The temple was accompanied by another legend about the statue Kannon: supposedly if past the temple was riding by on a horse unbeliever, the horse will certainly dumped the rider. After to-face the very first statue made by Gyoki, leaned Buddhist monastic cloak, the fall of the riders in front of Sugimoto-Dera temple ceased, and the temple received another name – BBB Kannon.

In 1337, in the temple there was a battle between the HOJO soldiers and warriors Ashikaga, which killed more than 300 of the samurai, the memory of which is next to the main hall were installed gorinta – stony tower.

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