Christ Cathedral Photo: Christ Cathedral

Christ Cathedral is an Orthodox white stone five-domed Cathedral of the city of Kargopol of Arkhangelsk oblast.
The Cathedral was founded in 1552 and was built 10 years, most likely, a masters from Novgorod. At first it was simple in scope, the plan had a rectangular form, 2 floors and stood on the basement. There is a theory that originally the temple was covered with boards with impressive overhangs of the roofs and the upper (summer) Church led wooden staircases built on three sides. The stairs were decorated with ornate porches. After 100 years on the North side of the Cathedral was built a small chapel of Saints Philip and Alexis. Then the South wall formed another chapel in the name of all-merciful Saviour, and in the West gallery, a covered porch, and, following the fashion of the seventeenth century, they were richly decorated with carvings. In 1765 there was a fire, cracked walls of the Church were fortified. Some wall paintings that survived the fire, were flawed, because for the past 5 years, the Cathedral stood under the open sky, and no one repaired. In the Cathedral there was a miraculous Kazan icon of the Theotokos. In 1936 Christ Cathedral became part of Kargopol historical-architectural and art Museum-reserve.

The Nativity Cathedral is built of white stone and brick, six-column, five-domed, three-apse temple on the basement. In his first tier has a unique collection of "heaven" from the temples and chapels of the Kargopol district. The second tier holds carved iconostasis Dating back to the XVIII century, some medieval frescoes. Currently the walls are painted in white color, only on the West side there is a small area of medieval frescoes. From the icons preserved only what was arranged after 1765. A peculiar element of the external design – iron beam in the form of arms, seen from the main stone of the drum. To its end fastened to the chain, which keeps the Central chandelier. Over time, the building sank into the ground almost a meter.

Among the icons of the Cathedral stand out "Christmas" and "the Situation of the robe of the virgin, with Deesis and selected saints. Icon of the Nativity of Christ" (second half of XVI century) has dimensions of 155 x 180 cm. It explicitly conveys the gospel story of the birth of Christ. In the icon there is no single compositional center, one scene blends into another. Created a good master of his time, a different kind of immediacy of interpretation, which is characteristic of folklore. "Heaven" is made in the form of parts of a circle at the top of the icon. First scene – the journey to Bethlehem of Joseph and Mary. Mary is depicted riding on a white horse. In the centre of the icon you can see the birth of Christ, surrounded by angels. The wise men, riding on horses, depicted in the upper corners of the icon. Below, on the right side, the angel tells spasim the shepherds about the birth of Christ. Lower the Infant is washed by two women. Even lower – the shepherds glorify Baby music. On the left side three wise men bring gifts. To the left is Joseph talking with the old man. Currently the icon is stored in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg.

Icon "the Position of the robe of the virgin, with Deesis and selected saints dates from the mid sixteenth century. Dimensions – 38 x 46 cm In the centre is the virgin Mary, pointing with both hands at the Blachernae Church, which shows the ark of the robe of the virgin. Top right is visible the blessing hand of God the Father. The top field displays the lap Deesis, consisting of 7 pieces: the Apostle Peter, the Archangel Michael, the virgin Mary, Jesus, St. John the Baptist, the Archangel Gabriel and the Apostle Paul.

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