Innokenty Church Photo: Innokenty Church

Innokenty Church is one of the attractions of the city of Khabarovsk. Innokenty temple together with assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral is the main Holy places of not only the Khabarovsk, but all of the Khabarovsk territory.

In 1870 in the city on the coast of the river Barry (today - Kardymovo) was built a wooden Church, consecrated in honor of St. Innokenty Of Irkutsk. The construction of the temple, which began in 1868 and ended in 1869, was engaged in a military inspection team. The solemn consecration of the Church took place in June 1870, the Bishop of Kamchatka, Benjamin (Blagonravov).

A wooden Church stood for more than a quarter century, but eventually became dilapidated and was no longer able to meet all the needs of the rapidly growing city. In 1896 it was decided to build a stone Church. This Cathedral was built with funds donated by parishioners, and the Khabarovsk merchants V. F. Plyusnina and P. T. Sulginum. The project was initiated by Colonel V. G. Moore and captain N. G. Bykov. The construction of the Church also got involved in the military.

The construction of the temple was completed in the shortest possible time. The Church building was completed in 1898, a Little later on the temple was established five domes and a bell tower with 12 bells. In November 1898, took place the consecration of St. Innokenty Church.

In the complex of buildings of the Same Church was also the parish house and hospital of St. Alexander Xenievskoe communities built after 1893 until About the end of the 1930s the Church was the cemetery, and from 1899 to 1917 were parish school.

In 1931 the Church was closed, when its building was transferred to the city Council, and then given to the fleet of border military district. At that time the temple was used as a radio can phone and gunsmith border troops. In 1964, it housed the planetarium. As a result of these events ensure the Church lost its original appearance.

The restoration of the temple in honor of St. Innokenty of Irkutsk began in 1992 with the revival of the parish community. The restoration of the Church lasted for 10 years. In June 2002, was held a solemn rite of consecration of the renovated Church. Innokenty Of Irkutsk.

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