Museum reptiles Photo: Museum of reptiles

In the Volga village, located on the left Bank Hatchi, near the confluence of the river into the Volga river, is the famous Museum of reptiles. The reason for the opening of the Museum with such an unusual name became in the past the existing village called Gad.

Among the locals there is a legend that once in the lower Hatchi, which is the village or previously existing village Gad, was the so-called "sea of snakes" or birthplace of the famous dragon. The etymology of the name of the village Gad explained by the fact that the area was infested with a large number of snakes. Most likely, the name of the village originated from the male nicknames Gad, which contains a certain sense of condemnation or the name of the talisman.

During the 1960-ies, the renaming of the village, because many thought it was some "dissonant", despite the fact that it has been far back in the past. For the reason that intricate the name of the village ceased to attract visitors, the organizers of the tourism industry, but also concerned about the popularity of their village, the locals decided to return to his native land in the past, the forgotten glory, creating here the intricate Museum reptiles.

"Visiting in the Vipers back on stage" - and that was the title of tour, the first of which visitors will meet with the famous Hobgoblin, treated adults small Museum glass snake liqueurs and tasty pickles.

Within the Museum exhibition presents snakes, which are made of various materials (iron, stone, cloth, wood). In addition to images and pictures of reptiles, most of which is realistic, there are also fabulous creatures: the Serpent-tempter, the dragon, Bazhov Snake, and Cobra is the Queen. Particularly impressive and unforgettable type beat "green dragon", which knows the vast number of our countrymen. Special attention should be given in the exposition of the coils of the known apparatuses engaged in the manufacture of spirits.

It's amazing that the coincidence that it was in the village of Gad in the past acted distillery eminent merchant named Zazykin, the fame of which spread far beyond the borders of Tver land, as this plant was known thanks to extremely tasty beverages and liquors.

There are also specialized ethnographic section, which is devoted to traditional crafts and rural life. Especially were popular colorful appliques, dolls, quilting – it was created by local craftsmen.

At the end of the tour visitors will be able to be in the restaurant under the name "dragon". This restaurant presents a rather interesting menu, for example, herring, made in the form of "Snakes on Benecke" unpretentious "Muhomorchiki", composed of tomatoes and eggs, "jellied frog legs with horseradish", "Rejuvenating soup" or traditional soup, potato Cutlets with gravy from pokanoket", coffee, tea and delicious pastries from the clutches of the dragon".

Special attention deserves the traditional tasting tinctures, exhibited from the basement of the Vipers of the word: "eye Gouge", "Viper's joy" and a vodka drink "tears of the dragon".

Since ancient times known fact, when snakes would lure with the help of milk, because the people there were is a popular belief that snakes were attracted to the house of wealth and prosperity. Was the place to be and a real benefit, because the snakes had saved the house from pesky and elusive mice. Locals say: "We do not believe that the bastards hard and therefore a great honour for us to host them in my house and do these inhabitants of the animal world truly homemade! "

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