Obelisk the gates of Moscow Photo: Obelisk the gates of Moscow

Obelisk the gates of Moscow is located in Kostroma on the street May 1, on the Volga river embankment. He greets all arrivals on the river guests. Your the front face of the entrance to the city was in 1823, when the city of Kostroma were expecting the arrival of the Emperor Alexander I.

The project of the obelisk was designed Kostroma architect P. I. Fursova, then still a young graduate of the Academy of arts. The draft obelisk was his first job. Later Fursova were built many Kostroma buildings.

The entrance to the city, the architect tried to design most Grand and solemn. In a complex of buildings of the Moscow Outpost includes two rectangular obelisk, topped with balls and gilded double-headed eagles. The obelisks built low walls with arched niches. To one of the walls from the North-West side adjacent to the hut merchants Strigalev, which is mentioned in documents dated in 1810 (in other sources – trading tent Tretyakov).

Currently these buildings are rebuilt, the obelisks are extant in its original form. In 1912 Moscow Outpost was rebuilt according to the project developed by architect N. Gallicanum to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, in which the obelisks were added two one-story brick buildings such as the guardhouse. In one building there was a shop in another pub Partnership "Bohemia". Kuren merchants Strigalev, also made of brick, was completely redone, top was added a second floor and an arched gallery, which looked towards the town, was laid, it had arranged new openings.

Today the ensemble Outpost includes two obelisks (their wedding was lost in 1993, it was recreated by the project L. S. Vasiliev), which has a height of 9 m, standing on both sides of the street travel mountain Dairy wickets and United with the corps in the form of a quarter circle, which act in the direction of the city.

Earlier this place was located a ferry across the river. Here began the road to Yaroslavl and Moscow. Complex the gates of Moscow designed the main entrance to the city of Kostroma on the Volga from the old Nerekhta tract. Here came the merchant ships. At that time the Outpost played the role of a customs post. By the mid-17th century, the city in economic terms has become the third most important city of Moscow Russia after Moscow and Yaroslavl. Kostroma merchants then traded with the West and the East. At this time, there appears a large shopping center with bakery, meat, but dirt and sweat, iron, icons, fur, salt malls. Wide shopping street called mountain Dairy descended directly to the Volga. On two of its sides were lined hull bread and leavened series. There were small cakes series. Closed retail space obelisks the gates of Moscow, built by the arrival of the king.

But as time went on and the value of the Volga river, as the main commercial artery of the country, have decreased slightly. Moscow Outpost ceased to play the role of "main gate". In our time – is the jewel of the city, an architectural monument of the classical period.

After passing through the gate, you can get the ancient street mountain Dairy. If you climb up on it, you can go to the monument to Ivan Susanin. Mountain dairy, as the Volga embankment – a favorite place for townspeople guests of Kostroma, where guests can stroll and enjoy the beauty of the Kostroma landscapes.

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