Castel Lamberto Photo: Castel Lamberto

Castel Lamberto is an ancient castle located in the town Lines, on the territory of the commune of Asti in the Italian province of Bolzano. To get to the castle right from Bruneck – road walking will take about an hour, and the trip by car only a few minutes.

Castel Lamberto stands at a height of 990 metres above sea level, at the top of the cliff, facing the narrow gorge Rienza in the Val Pusteria. The first mentions of it are found in 1090, the year – in one of the documents refers to a plot of land to the chapel of San Entercom. The very same castle was built in the early 12th century on the orders collection Riscone, subjects of the bishops of Bressanone. After the 14th century the family Riscone ceased to exist, bishops castle passed from the hands of the hands – in particular, its owners were the counts di Gorizia. Later, the castle was twice destroyed in 1336 and 1346-m years.

At the end of the 17th century, another Bishop of Bressanone handed Castel Lamberto Johann Winkler von Ring, whose descendants owned the castle until 1811, the year when it became the property of the Hauptmann family that owns it to this day.

Special attention in the territory of Castel Lamberto deserves a small chapel, built in the 17th century and renovated in 1962, the year. This chapel is very popular among the residents of the surrounding towns and villages up until the First World war it was revered Holy Wilgefortis, patroness of men seeking to get rid of an annoying admirers.

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