Bardolino Photo: Bardolino

Lying on the Eastern shore of lake Garda resort town of Bardolino is part of the province of Verona and is located 130 km West of Venice and about 25 km Northwest of Verona. The economy of this small town is based mainly on tourism and wine production.

The current territory of Bardolino has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by archaeological finds. Here were found traces of Roman settlements, although the present city was founded only in the early middle Ages, when in the 10th century, Berengar of Italy built a fortress here. In the 12th century Verona was known as an independent commune, and later came under the rule of the family of Scaliger, which expanded and strengthened local fortification. After the fall of the Castello, the town became part of the Venetian Republic, which placed their naval base, and later was part of the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom. Visited the "helm" of Bardolino and the Austrians. Only in 1866, the town became part of United Italy.

Today, Bardolino is a popular tourist resort. Its historic centre, surrounded by the ruins of the medieval city walls, is of particular interest. In the Romanesque Church of the 11th century San North you can see the frescoes depicting scenes from the Apocalypse. Worth a visit the Church of San Vito and San Zeno mid-9th century, 12th-century Church of San nicolò and the ancient monastery of San Colombano. Throughout Bardolino luxury villas are scattered, most of them built in the 19th century, Villa Bottagisio, Villa Guerrieri, Villa Marzahn, Villa Raimondi Giuliani and Villa-Jeanphilippe. Not far from the harbour town are Palazzo Galletti with tower and Loggia Rambaldi. No less interesting and the town's museums: one dedicated to wine and olive oil, and the second the Museum of Sisan – fishing and bird hunting.

Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy Windsurfing and parafango, as well as sailing. The pristine beaches of Bardolino you can relax and sunbathe. There are amusement parks Gardaland, Caneva World and Movie Studios.

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