Garda Photo: Garda

Garda is a small tourist town in the province of Verona, which lies on the Eastern shore of lake Garda, in 32 km from Verona. It is the smallest town of the province and the, so to speak, medieval. The finds made in the mid-20th century, suggest that this area was inhabited even in prehistoric times. On the promontory of San vigilio had traces of Roman settlements. In the 10th century king Berengario II forcibly detained in Garda Queen Adelaide, and in 1162 here for a year sheltered the Bishop of Verona. At the end of the 12th century the city came under the rule of the Scaligero family, then became a fief of the family of Visconti, and later became part of the Venetian Republic.

The main attraction of Garda is its historical center with its narrow streets, the waterfront and historic buildings – Villa Bocelli-Alberini 16th-century Venetian Gothic Palazzo dei Capitani 14th century, Villa Carlotti-Canossa, where once lived the writer Gabriele d'annunzio, and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta of the 18th century. 300 metres above the town rises the castle of Rocca di Garda – from the place where he stands, offers a wonderful view of the surroundings and the lake. Located near the Carmelite monastery, built in the 15th century, and a little further, at the Eastern gate of the city, the Church of Santo Stefano with the painting of the 16th century, depicting the martyrdom of St. Stephen.

The same interest among tourists is the beautiful Punta San vigilio, a name derived from the name of St. Vigilius, Bishop of Trento from 385 at 402 years. In 1540 there built himself a Villa of count Agostino Brenzoni – since it was repeatedly visited by many famous people, like the Russian Emperor Alexander II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the Spanish king Juan Carlos and members of the British Royal family. Noteworthy are also cave paintings that can be found on the Cape and in the surrounding area.

In the summer of Garda is a Paradise for lovers of water sports. Perhaps the most popular is sailing: on the beaches of the town are many training centers and clubs where you can master the art of boat handling. They can also enjoy a sightseeing tour along the coast. The beaches are ideal for sunbathing and calm waters of lake Garda you can swim. Those interested can also try your hand at diving or water skiing. For those who are attracted to Hiking, mountain Biking and Nordic walking", in the Garda area, and there are many trails of varying degrees of difficulty. Winter among the residents of the city have become a very popular Jogging along the river. Also an hour's drive from Garda are downhill Malcesine.

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