City Museum and Nordico Photo: City Museum and Nordico

City Museum and Nordica is located in Linz near the town Hall. Since its founding in 1963, Nordica is an important cultural facility for the residents of Linz: the emphasis in the Museum is to preserve the cultural history of the region for future generations. Every year the Museum hosts several different exhibitions.

The Museum building was built in 1607 -1610, Italian architect Francesco Silva as country Palace at the monastery Kremsmünster. In 1675 the building was partially rebuilt and extended. Currently there are remains of frescoes. From 1710 to 1786, the building passed into the possession of the Jesuits, was opened boarding school for students from Scandinavia (hence the name Museum Nordico"). Students from Denmark, Sweden and Norway studied religion, then the missionary work in their countries.

Since 1851, the building was a cultural community, whose founder was Adalbert Stifter. In 1901 the building was bought by the administration of Linz. Only after the end of the First world war it was decided to use the building as a Museum in the future. Buy the collection of Anton Pachinger was the beginning of the creation of the Museum.

From October 2007 to may 2008, the Museum was closed for renovations. Currently the Museum has about 700 square meters of exhibition space.

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