Vauxhall Bridge Photo Vauxhall Bridge

Vauxhall bridge connects the neighborhoods Vauxhall on the South Bank and Pimlico on the North. Although on both sides of the Thames are modern buildings, the history of a ferry at this place goes back centuries.

Archaeological research has shown that even 3500 years ago there stood a large oak bridge. Then the stationary terminal was not very long, the locals used the ferry, and in 1816 the local coast joined the first in London iron bridge. At first it was called the Regent bridge but later renamed Vauxhall. Until 1879 he was paid. People paid to get to train station "Nine elms" (later abandoned) or to the Vauxhall gardens. (There is a theory that from the name of these gardens gave rise to the Russian word "station".)

Vauxhall gardens were very popular – there were offered a variety of activities, including hot air ballooning. Standing on the bridge, the crowd of onlookers stared at the rising ball. On this same bridge in September 1844 gathered a huge number of people who watched an unprecedented spectacle – the clown Mr. Barry circus "Astley's Amphitheatre" started cruising down the Thames in a trough coupled to two geese.

Already in the late nineteenth century moorings Vauxhall bridge was too worn. The draft of the new five-arched steel bridge, designed by engineer sir Alexander Binnie, caused outrage architects. They called the project the vulgar, and functional too, predicted that aliens will be on him to sneer, regretted that the architects were not consulted.

Nevertheless, the new Vauxhall bridge built under this project. The bridge is really not enough decorative elements, and it was decided to put on the piers of monumental sculpture. Eight statues of the work of Alfred Drury and Frederick Pomeroy symbolize agriculture, architecture, engineering, ceramics, science, fine arts, local government and education. They look a little strange. Powerful (each weighs about two tons) of bronze figures stand above the piers from the river in framing, more like open tombs. Frame is dark red, pedestals sculptures blue. Generally the construction is very brightly colored in red, yellow, blue, orange and white colors – perhaps this is the most fun bridge in London.

Vauxhall bridge was the first in the city by a bridge with tram tracks, the first with a dedicated bus lane and almost became the first and only modern bridge with houses. In 1963 option was to construct a seven-story structure, the lower floor of which was driving the car, the top was like a skating rink and hanging gardens, and in the middle – shops, a hotel, gallery and theatre. Due to the cost from a tempting offer refused, and Vauxhall bridge just left of the bridge.

Now there is no place to watch the clowns in a tub with geese, but you can see how the Thames goes ashore bright yellow machine of the so-called "duck tour" (tour in an amphibious vehicle). "Ducks" go on the South side of the bridge – where there is an unusual building MI-6 and a huge complex of "St. George Wharf".

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