The Church Of The Virgin Mary Photo: Church Of The Virgin Mary

The Church of the virgin Mary - one of the primary monuments of Northern German architecture, which served as a model for numerous churches. The Church was built during the heyday of lübeck in 1251-1310 years modeled French cathedrals and was the personification of pride burghers for their city. This three-aisled Basilica with the world's highest vaulted brick ceiling (height of 40 meters, length 102 meters).

In the Church is the largest mechanical organ in the world and chapel "Against war and violence", in which you can see two split four tons of ancient bells, cast in 1508 and 1669 years. In the main nave you can see the font 1337, and in the Capella – Antwerp altar 1518, dedicated to the virgin Mary. In the chapel of Pitcaple preserved one of the earliest (year 1310) samples of the stellar vault in Europe.

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